I am writing to inform you that Terri Hunt, St. Richard’s Director of Faith Formation, has resigned and will be leaving St. Richard’s parish effective August 23, 2015. She has accepted a similar position at St. Patrick’s Church In Hudson, Wisconsin.
Please know that the St. Richard’s Church leadership is 100% committed to Youth Faith Formation and that we fully intend to hire a new Director to replace Terri.
Until then, our plan is to:
Begin Faith Formation classes on October 4. Class registration materials will be mailed to you at the end of August. They will also be available on our website at that time.
Until a new Director begins, Beth Gaetz will serve as Interim Coordinator of the Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade Sunday morning program. Beth has been the St. Richard’s Church part-time Administrative Assistant since December, 2012. She served as Director of Faith Formation from 2006-2008 on the White Earth Reservation.
Preparation classes for First Reconciliation will start in October. (Preparation for First Eucharist will take place in the spring.) Parents who register their children for First Reconciliation classes will be contacted with specific start dates and times.
Confirmation preparation will be offered this fall. Parents with children in 9th and 10th grades will be contacted directly with more specific information.
Evaluate our current and future needs and review the Director’s job description prior to hiring a replacement. The Faith Formation Commission, other interested parents and I will meet to review St. Richard’s needs and expectations for our Faith Formation program. This is a common practice in parishes when a full time person leaves the staff, especially in the Faith Formation area. Then, we will commence the search for new Director. We anticipate starting the search by the end of October or early November.
We are looking forward to working with your children this year!
If you have any concerns or questions regarding our plans for the Faith Formation program, please email me or call me in the parish office Tuesdays through Fridays at 612-869-2426.