Sheryl Rose, Doris Brandner (Chair), Samantha Smith (Secretary), Riyan Mendonza, Jan Parsons, Sue Loeffler, Paul Kujawski; John Kohlhaas
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 16th
I.Opening Prayer
II.Steering Committee Update
2017 projects are funded
Looking at finalizing the children’s bathroom plans,
Computer upgrades for the office
Sound system going in July 10th and will be a 2-week project
Brick work is starting June 1st
Fall 2017 looking at new lawn machinery
security & fire panel that shows where the fire is located will be replaced
looking at exterior doors
looking at the school classrooms to see what needs to be done
Social Hall plans will be reviewed by the architect who did our sanctuary remodel
III.Gift Celebration
First weekend in June 3-4
Doris and Sam will be there for one of the sessions, Sue will be looking at being at the table that weekend as well
Parish Council was approached about who makes the decision if changes want or need to be made for the fall festival or other fundraising activities and suggested that council take the lead in initiating changes
It was decided that changes to any fundraising campaigns can be initiated by any group or staff and the decision to move forward with changes would be a consensus between fundraising group, finance and parish council and Fr. Mark
V.Rotation of Members
Doris, Paul, Sam will be rotating off at the end of June
Looking for input into who may want to be on the committee for next year
Input on who would be Chair, Co-Chair and Secretary
VI.Committee Updates
Condition of the walk in refrigerator is in bad repair and looking at having it replaced
Approximately $12,000 to replace the appliance
Faith Formation
Next week for 2 weeks will be a drive for Catholic Charities for refugees with signage and notices in bulletin for donation of items
Possibly having another group go to Higher Ground facilities
Youth Group
Assumption had new Faith Formation minister and the group is looking to work with them on bringing in more youth between the two
How can we showcase what the youth groups are doing and bring to the parish?
Flower fundraiser was a success
Discussion around how do we bring in the multicultural families and promoting the multicultural make-up of the parish