As we settle into our two week (or longer?) self quarantine, we might reflect on this as a gift of time inserted directly into the middle of Lent. Most of us are finding ourselves with a little more time on our hands since we are being asked to not gather in groups and many public places are closed. What a wonderful opportunity to consider a new pattern to our days, highlighted by regular intervals of prayer! A favorite of many of us at St. Richard, Give Us This Day, is offering free access to their digital publication of daily prayers.
Personally, I have found that the psalms are particularly helpful in navigating this period of global pandemic. In Psalm 86:1-8 (today’s morning prayer), each of the verses invites us to call on God for answers to our plight. Remember that the psalms were written about a thousand years before Christ. There was disease and violence and probably pandemics at that time as well. This may feel new to us in modern times, but the world has lived through times like this before. “Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me…….in the day of distress, I will call to you, and surely you will answer me….” Because, for me, no one else really can……. Sheryl Rose, Parish Administrator