March 15, 2016 Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
Parish Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2016
Sheryl Rose, Doris Brandner (Chair), Samantha Smith (Secretary), Judy Black, Maureen Scaglia, Murray McCartan, Sue Loeffler
Next meeting: April 19, 2015
I.Opening Prayer
II.Capital Campaign Update
Up to $1,000,000 in committed pledges
Let parish know that any additional money would be ear marked for future improvements
Two phone-a-thon nights: March 22nd and March 28th
Commitment Weekend is April 2-3
Final mailing possible to parishioners after Commitment Weekend
After April a small follow up committee will form to secure pledges who were out of town February-April
III.Steering Committee
Volunteers for the steering committee- approx. 5 to 6 people
Volunteers for the follow up committee-looking for approx. 6 people
IV.Rummage Sale
Found volunteers to take over being chairs on this
Signage Improvement is needed
Use of social media to get the information out to the public
V.Grow Statements
Vision Statement 1: 1 Will have a fully functional pastoral council & parish structure defined- Covered
Vision Statement 2: 2 Will have a fully employed appropriate forms of media/communication for the purpose of assuring fullest possible communication to the parish- Partially Covered
Vision Statement 3: Would have 95 new households by end or fiscal year 2017-no numbers yet
Vision Statement 4: Will have 25% more active parishioners-possibly be a 2017 parish pastoral council discussion on how to measure this
Vision Statement 5: Will have increased giving to 100% of the parish-goal is not yet reached for the numbers but the 3 points to measure this has been successful
Vision Statement 6: Will have Parish Faith Formation well defined, intentional and begun implementation that covers multi-generations-have a commission & need to continue to focus on engagement