Parish Council Meeting Minutes (21NOV17) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Bielinski, John Kohlhaas, Sue Loeffler, Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Bob Schlitz, Tim Springer
Absent: Jan Parsons
Opening prayer Fall Festival Tentative results are $20,800 profit after bills paid. This is slightly over last year’s $20,000. Festival committee is planning on putting $10,500 to general parish funds; haven’t decided what will be done with the rest of it yet. Not a set plan for what money goes to. Could it go to Fr.’s renovations?
It doesn’t seem like people noticed lack of vendors. We didn’t have high-end shoppers. Kids games went ok. Last year, we made a slight fee for vendor fees. With the new approach, we lost that, but made up. Peggy Semiling (runs the Christmas store) is moving to WI – and a craft person is leaving too, so we will need some new people.
John thought we had a lot more space without vendors. Another advantage is that we didn’t have to do breakfast. Some people came early thinking it started at 9am. Some of those went to Wood Lake’s festival and hopefully came back. At a workshop Fr. Mark attended, they mentioned that the point of festivals is to show off the parish without being a liability (not a risk).
Capital Campaign Bulletin article – we’re in early stages of planning Social Hall renovations. Nothing is decided yet other than asbestos. We want to communicate that we’re being thoughtful. Include names of committee members in the article so people can talk to them. In terms of collection of pledged funds, we’re ahead. People are paying off early and being very generous.
Financials Usually uptick at end of year. Because Christmas falls on Monday, visitors won’t come twice so that can impact collections.
Cultural Dinner We have an offer for a January cultural dinner – Greek – on 20JAN18.
January Luau We could do a Luau on 10FEB18 to celebrate our campaign anniversary. Next morning is Mardi Gras breakfast; people running breakfast said it would be fine to have the Luau the night before. If Council is in favor of it, we’ll plan on it. Filipino is similar. Riyan will talk to a group of Filipinos from Faith Formation about helping out – he mentioned it and there was some interest. This is a lot more people to feed than cultural dinner. We’d ask them to provide guidance and parish council (and friends) would do most of the work. Aim for about $5/plate in terms of cost – so if people ask how much, we can say that’s about how much it cost. Last year, funeral ladies did the dessert. Riyan will follow-up with the group he talked to. We’ll want to make a final decision at the next meeting (19DEC17). He will ask them at 03DEC17 FF meeting – and hopes to have an answer by 10DEC17. We’re pretty consistently around 160; we’ll plan on about 175. Trend is much less carb than used to be.
Advent/Christmas events Advent-ure – we heard about it at Mass announcement. 16DEC17 am - reflection/labyrinth (we have our own). 17DEC17 after 11:00 Mass– international celebration with entire parish. We are inviting people to bring in creches. Similar to what was done last year – put on by FF families- Christmas in your home culture. Last year, they had eight (Mexican, Nigerian, Indian, Philippine, etc). There will also be a potluck and Christmas story time where someone reads. Last year it was in social hall and was packed. Some ran out of food samples right away.
We used to change Advent-ure every year, but everyone liked it so much, FF wants to do it again. Families say their traditions are dying, so this gives them an opportunity to share it.
Bible Study – Lynn Deines is leading one on Saturday mornings. Only one group (not like Lent which had different groups).
Lots going on for only three weeks. Not much going on weekend of 23-24DEC17 other than Christmas. They are going to partially decorate before the last weekend – maybe put trees up, but don’t light them, put poinsettias out (usually don’t do red before Christmas). Fr. wants to push Epiphany – 12 days after Christmas – not just prepping before. Will hand out chalk so people can bless their doors. People are always so glad Christmas is over – but should look at it as just starting. This year it’s timed perfectly because 6-7JAN18 is the weekend after New Year’s. Now that all the stress is over, we can focus on what Christmas is really about.
Other committees Faith Formation – already talked about Adventure and Labyrinth; the kids like being involved in Mass – e.g. carrying up the gifts. Want to get them to do more – maybe older do readings, collect offertory, open doors.
Children’s choir is doing epiphany, not Christmas eve (Donna K retired, Jill Elfering taking over)
Facilities – got definite plan for asbestos. Will start week before school is out – get a discount because they get so busy when school is out. Other planning parts – still deciding what to do. Facilities is putting plans together. Social Hall will be sealed off two weeks – they bring it down to cement. Will be closed all summer. We need to figure out how to keep milk cold. We did all the landscaping – pulled a bunch of bushes out and seeded. Poured concrete on seven downspouts.
Riyan asks – could we do more with evangelizing, reaching out to neighbors – especially to young adults? Started talking to FF person at Assumption – their FF director lives in Concierge (apartment building across the street from St. Richard’s). How can we have them see the parish as a place to feel at home? Could we maybe reach out and have them use our gym. They aren’t looking for a church to join – they are looking for a social outlet. They likely won’t be long-term members. If they have a good experience, they’re more likely to be church people – even if move to another place and another church. Concierge is doing something right – need to figure out how to reach them. Website is cool. It had been getting run down. Next step – how can we reach out to them. Need to wait to get gym done.
Next meeting scheduled 19DEC17