Parish Council Meeting Minutes (17APR18) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Bielinski, John Kohlhaas, Sue Loeffler, Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Bob Schiltz, Tim Springer
Absent: Jan Parsons
Opening Prayer
Capital Campaign Discussion on follow-up meeting with Steier. Need to get through Social Hall renovation and final year of the campaign. Other items that have been planned for the last year are rectory updates, class rooms and parking lot.
Lifetouch They contacted us to see if we’re interested. Fr. Mark forwarded to team interested in working on this. They offer combination of digital and print. Small committee is still considering various options.
Gifts Celebration To be held 19-20MAY18. Pat Brennan said they want the Parish Council to help serve; their team doesn’t have enough people to prepare and serve. Additional help needed at 5:00pm Saturday Mass. Riyan Mendonsa will be there but will be tied up at the Faith Formation booth. Betsy Adams and John Bielinski will be there. Sunday – Lynn Nordby and Tim Springer will help at both 9:00am and 11:00am Mass; Bob Schiltz at 9:00am; Sue Loeffler at 11:00am. At the Parish Council table last year, we had popcorn and M&Ms. This year, they want no sign-ups; this should truly be a celebration of our gifts. They want to promote is the idea that we all have gifts – and the diversity of gifts. They want to highlight all gifts, even the unseen gifts such as praying, raising kids, etc.
Purpose: Showcase each group’s ministries so people can have more awareness of our how our gifts are being shared. Each group’s display is to show what resources are available when they are in need. Also, the purpose is to help us recognize how we might use our gifts. We could suggest people attend in native dress – a way to more passively participate.
Faith Formation update: made over 2900+ sandwiches. Every Friday during Lent, Faith Formation (FF) held a soup dinner – after 5:30pm stations and then did stations again at 7:00pm. Average about 10 people for stations. Next week is last FF class and there’s a potluck after mass. They want to have an altar server class, but it got snowed out.