Parish Council Meeting Minutes (19JUN18) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Bielinski, John Kohlhaas, Sue Loeffler, Riyan Mendonsa, Jan Parsons, Bob
Schiltz, Tim Springer
Absent: Lynn Norby
Opening Prayer
Capital Campaign Update Meeting scheduled 20JUN18; no other updates presently
Passed asbestos test in Social Hall; renovations underway; would like to have “Grand Opening” around Labor Day; committee currently working on plan
Gifts Celebration Attendance average; down a bit from last year; easy to staff; didn’t last long in duration
People tended to move through the stations quickly; not as much interaction/exchange of information
Positive feedback on the renovation received as the Facilities table
Faith Formation Eight new servers trained; four have already served a Mass; six more in line to be trained; will be done closer to the school year; “older” altar servers playing a key role in guiding; rewarding for both sides
Looking for ways to engage Blessed Trinity children; also brainstorming on ways to engage young adults; there are a fair amount in close proximity
Discount given for early registration in order to drive numbers; also offered discount if you “brought a friend” along
No Vacation Bible school this year due to remodel
Focus on both Faith formation as well as personal/overall development; want to help people learn to be good members of society as well as faithful
Delving into ways to foster the relationship between the parish and the school; after Blessed Trinity principal spoke, suggestion that parishioners are more present in the school whether through volunteering, speaker engagements, etc. Ensure it is a two way street rather than one way on either side
Mission Trip status for this year questionable; time may be better spent in planning for a trip next year; first time with our parish to partner with Side by Side; joint effort between four parishes
Richfield Parish Collaboration Years ago, introduced Archdiocese efforts to “cluster”; renewed effort to be driven by respective leadership; will start with social activities for the staff; Parish Councils joined event may be a good start
Other ideas: combined senior lunches; collaborating ministries; confirmation retreats for all of Richfield/Bloomington; catechist training sessions; visits to each other’s events (boutiques, bazars/festivals, Pennfest, etc)
Need to keep future health of all the churches in area in mind; better use/leverage resources for the betterment of all communities
Parish Council Service Rotation John Bielinski, Sue Loeffler, Bob Schiltz tenure ends as of this meeting; Parish Council members to submit future council member recommendations to Father Mark
Our next meeting: break for summer; resume 19SEP18