Parish Council Meeting Minutes (20FEB18) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Bielinski, John Kohlhaas, Sue Loeffler, Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Jan Parsons, Bob Schlitz, Tim Springer
Absent: None
Opening Prayer
Capital Campaign Just finished two-year anniversary of Capital Campaign. Diagrams in Narthex after Mass last week detailed (in photographs and text) progress. Notifying all those who have made no payment to date throughout campaign to see if they simply missed or if they plan to fulfill their pledge. Trends show campaigns fall off in the third year; devising strategies to avoid. No plan to “ask” again for additional funds (as everything is costing more than planned). Considering “opportunity to adopt a pledge.” Clever, inspiring ideas/activity to drive adoption. Need to finish the campaign before we move onto other plans.
After Social Hall, parking lot and rectory needs to be addressed. Therefore, no more additional projects at this time.
Need to keep focus and caution against getting ahead of ourselves.
Next meeting focused on capital campaign scheduled on 27FEB18.
Social Hall Renovation A lot of prep work conducted thus far. Social Hall will be closed off; April target date to finalize related processes. Will be changing locks on doors to avoid people entering during renovations. Full lock down scheduled for 05JUN18. A number of areas impacted: Tom Flood’s office; kitchen access; stage (which will need to be emptied prior); storage rooms; etc. Will seek volunteers to assist in moving items out and securing in advance of closure.
Major endeavor. Plan to talk to Assumption, Woodlake, etc in regards to funerals arrangement and storage space. Will enlist other parishes on overflow. A number of contingency plans will be devised well in advance.
Last week walk through on flooring, paint colors, etc. Team discussed sound barriers, colors, carpeting, etc. Had commercial property design specialist consultant assess options. Neutral colors that are “timeless”. Need to ensure choices aren’t soon dated. Also need to keep in mind various audiences that utilize space. (i.e. no bright colors for school kids when used for more somber occasions like funerals.)
Lent Events Announcement made at end of Mass last week regarding Lent three-day weekend activities, labyrinth, Taize prayer and service projects - Sharing and Caring Hands bagged meals. Last year made over 2,000 bags. Nice cross sections of ages participate. Opportunities to donate food and compile sandwiches/bags. Hard to assess food needs in advance; carrots seem to the only category that falls short. Momentum building year over year. (Not sure impact of Year of Mercy last year had on strong turnout).
Jackie Witter, featured speaker, discussed the Triduum and the Eucharist 18FEB18. Well attended; approximately 50 people. Content conveyed in easy to understand and engaging manner. Included multiple handouts for future reference. Encouraged to sign up for series of talks (Father Mark Pavlik - Signs and Symbols of the Triduum 18MAR18; Fr. Mark Pavlik & Jacki Witter - Engaging Yourself at Mass 15APR18) for planning purposes and to ensure enough materials on hand for all participants. (Sign up is not required to attend.)
Polynesian Dinner Number of participants less this year (approximately 100) than last. Mass attendance was also down. Unsure if due to severe weather. Majority of draw from 5:00pm Mass. Staff well prepared and event ran smoothly.
Positive feedback received from attendees; good time had by all. Attendees raved about the food. Very cost effective dinner at roughly $2.50 per. Post costs, $495 profit.
Recommendation for next year to have an “official” chair of the event. Central point of contact would have been beneficial. Also will be end of Capital Campaign next year and may return to Mardi Gras celebration depending on timing. If Mardi Gras is scheduled, will find an alternate date for south pacific themed event to ensure there is always a “free will” option that everyone can participate in.
Facilities Tom Flood asking that committee think about door between church and school. As it now stands, people have to enter through the secured school door for access to the office. Would be better if access was via middle door. Internal door outside of Narthex (between church and hallway leading to the offices and school) can be locked. Goal to separate church/school access. Need to keep security in mind. Key cards may be the best option.
Lettering on school affected during brick repair. Considering options for all outside signage.
Tom would like more input from Parish Council to help guide initiatives. Future focused with input from multiple disciplines.