Those attending the 11:00am Mass on January 21 will be introduced to a group of people of all ages who have expressed interest in becoming full members of the Catholic Church through the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. Those who are unbaptized (catechumens) are part of the Rite of Acceptance. Those who are already baptized, but have not yet received the other two Sacraments of Initiation of Holy Communion and Confirmation (candidates), take part in the Rite of Welcoming.
One of the most powerful rituals - the signing ritual - includes making the Sign of the Cross on the forehead, eyes, ears, lips, shoulders, hands and feet, as an outward symbol that the Cross will “protect them by its power” and become “living proof of its saving power” (RCIA no. 57). Additionally, catechumens and candidates were presented crosses and Bibles.
Now the catechumens and candidates enter a new stage in their process, which leads up to the Rite of Election on the first Sunday of Lent. However, part of the process involves finding sponsors who are fully formed in the faith (baptized, confirmed and practicing their faith), who are willing to walk with them as they learn about the Catholic faith in weekly sessions on Sunday afternoons.
For those who say “I am not qualified” or “I don’t know enough about the faith” - this is a
terrific opportunity to learn more about our faith and deepen your own!!
Keep in mind that each catechumen/candidate enters the process with different levels of formation, as well as different expectations, therefore, we are in need of faith mentors (sponsors) of all ages and backgrounds.
Please pray about this opportunity and contact
Susie Osacho, Director of Faith Formation, via [email protected] or 612-869-2426, ext 120, if you feel the Spirit inviting you to get involved. Thank you!