Thanks to coaching mentors Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Chris Norby and Eric Soland for preparing and leading our LEGO Robotics team in their first regional tournament, held December 8th at the Eden Prairie Central Middle School.
Team members range in age from 9 – 14 years and are involved in three team-building components:
1. Building LEGO pieces related to this year’s space theme “Into Orbit”.
2. Programming a robot to accomplish various missions to gain points.
3. Developing a presentation to solve a problem – in this case, how to sustain life on the moon.
The team did exceptionally well for their first time – congrats!
Group photo members:
Front row: Luke, Iker, Maddie, Prineeta and Moses; second row: Anson; third row: Logan, Matthew, Prince; back row: Lynn, Lio, Chris, Riyan and Eric.