The St. Richard's Catholic Church GROW Committee met in late May 2014 to continue to address Phase II of the program. From this meeting and continued discernment of the parish survey results, the committee developed key initiatives through six vision statements that are the basis of our three-year parish
Vision 2017. The six vision statements are as follows:
St. Richard's Catholic Church (SRCC) will have a fully functional pastoral council and parish structure defined.
SRCC will have fully employed appropriate forms of media/communication for the purpose of assuring optimal communication to the parish
SRCC will increase new total household membership by 10%
SRCC will have 25% more active parishioners (in various ministries)
SRCC will have increased giving to 100% of the parish participating
SRCC will have Parish Faith Formation well defined, intentional and begun implementation of a program that covers multi generations
A big thank you to all of the members of the St. Richard?s Catholic Church GROW Committee and their energy and efforts the past eight months:
Parishioners:Diane AmellSamantha Anderson Judy BlackDoris Brandner Lynn Deines Menekeh Giddings Paul Kujawski Murray McCartan Barb Michaels-Rauen Don Sable Rick Zilka Staff Members: Terri Hunt Cindy Nedved Sheryl Rose Fr. Mark Pavlik
The GROW Phase II planning process now shifts from the initial GROW Committee?s work to four St. Richard's Catholic Church planning groups specifically addressing these newly crafted vision statements.
Parish Council and Structure Group will focus on vision statement number one.
(Planning timeframe June-September 2014)
* The
Communications Group will focus on vision statement number two.
(Planning timeframe July-December 2015)
Stewardship Group will address vision statements three, four and five.
(Planning timeframe June-September 2014)
* The
Parish Formation Group will address vision statement number six.
(Planning timeframe October-February 2015)
Our work continues. On behalf of the GROW Committee, we are asking all parishioners to prayerfully consider sharing of their time and talent to any one of the above mentioned Parish Planning Groups. If you feel the
call to participate in one of these efforts or have any questions about them and/or the process moving forward, please contact
Sheryl Rose or
Fr. Mark Pavlik in the parish office.