The use of incense as a symbol for our prayers rising up to God (Psalm 141:2) is an important part of our Judeo-Christian heritage. We understand, however, that for some people this presents a health concern.
We will be using incense during the liturgy for Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil and 11:00am on Easter Sunday.
Holy Thursday, during the Mass of the Lord's Supper, incense will be used during the Presentation of the Gifts as part of the Eucharistic Preparation (after the Liturgy of the Word and the homily have finished). It will be used again at the end of the liturgy during the Transfer of the Eucharist.
During the
Easter Vigil Mass, incense will be used during the opening procession, at the reading of the Gospel (when Fr. Mark steps up to the ambo) and during the Presentation of the Gifts (which follows the homily).
Easter Sunday, incense will only be used during Presentation of the Gifts (following the homily) during the 11:00am Mass.
There will be no incense used during the 9:00am Mass on Easter Sunday or during the Good Friday liturgies.
We have obtained special incense that should be less problematic for people with allergies (Monastery Incense®), however, if necessary for your health, please feel welcome to participate in the entire liturgy from chapel seating area or step out into the narthex (gathering area) during the times that incense is used. The walls dividing the main worship space from the narthex are glass, so you will be able to see the liturgy and return to your pew when the incense has been removed.