Parish Council Meeting Minutes (18DEC18) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Kohlhaas, Kathy Lenarz, Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Jan Parsons, Roma Lee Rasmussen, Jim Robasse, Tim Springer
Absent: NA
Opening Prayer
Organ Reaching the end of its days; prior assessment deemed interior “unsafe” (although not from an electronic/fire perspective rather loose pipes, etc); beyond point of repair
Research has been conducted; need to wait until Capital Campaign concludes
Consensus that Parish needs an organ long term; can get an electronic version in the $60-100k range that portrays an “actual” organ sound but less costly; fits our needs and Parish size; no need for future tuning, little to no upkeep or related annual expense
Tentative plan for now as still functioning; hoping to tide us over through Christmas and Easter holidays; those planning weddings have been advised it may not be in working condition for their event
When the time comes, may be able to sell some components but don’t expect any significant monies from that; short term back up plan to local model currently stored in a nearby garage
February Anniversary Dinner Weekend of 16FEB19 (anniversary of Capitol Campaign anniversary)
Initial planning meeting held; Riyan has team (three people) in place willing to help; will need help in shopping at an Asian market which Father Mark will handle
Will know more specifics by January; tentative plan prep on Friday and complete bulk of the work; will need Parish Council to play a role in serving
Menu: pork dish, rice, side or two, desert, beverages
Pre-gathering 06JAN19 to finalize menu and logistics; final meeting 29JAN19
Marriage In Christ Archdiocese program focused on couples in first five years of marriage; JK and RM went to meeting with spouses; plan to repeat the program to ensure full understanding; four weeks in duration
If implemented at St. Richard’s, goal would be to have eight couples; $25 per couple less than five years; $60-80 per couple over five years; price break for young couples to encourage participation; money used to cover materials; sponsorship opportunities via the Archdiocese
Follow up to processes couples go through pre-marriage; addresses gap thereafter; early marriage enrichment; Deacon Bob advocate and supporter of program
April timeframe for St. Richard’s roll out
CFM also an option; $40 per couple
Lifetouch Upcoming meeting on 22JAN19; all Parish Council members invited to attend
If more than 15 people, Shutterfly gift cards for token gifts in additions to pictures
Hours to staff are significant but could be managed by 10 people
Ideal timing to schedule still under discussion
Steering Committee Update Group went to manufacturer to look at room dividers; research indicated Minneapolis location best fit for St. Richard’s; (ones featured in the video)
Start with enough length to cover carpeted area in Social Hall; divided into sections for variety of options when utilizing (funerals, financial planning sessions, etc); portable and easily assembled; sound absorption features
Once we determine best configuration, may be set up on permanent basis; private nook
Seven feet tall by six feet long; already ordered and due for delivery 26DEC18; funds came from enhancement budget
Also ordered 12 serving tables (12 foot that fold in half) and a number of plastic six foot tables; due in JAN2019; additional tables are needed but will only be ordered when committed enhancement funds are actually in hand
Current Events Adventure well attended; music activity low key but engaging; exactly what it should be – Parish sharing our gifts; “Who Are Our People and What Are Their Cultures?”
Variety of food and abundant
Plan to hold next year as well
Bus service for elderly cut from weekly to twice a month; cost was tripled due to new driver and inability to fulfill the shift; therefore, we have half the service to hold the price; no wheelchair access on “new” bus service; route established and no additional stops in the foreseeable future
We are judged by how we treat our most vulnerable
Question regarding organic recycling; two nearby collection points; partially funded by Hennepin County; if you sign up, two free bags a week; must be kept separate and therefore someone needs to oversee it so no cross contamination; Kathy Lenarz to follow up with Cindy Nedved
Isidiro’s father passed away; Faith Formation and staff both did cards
Lynn Norby representative on Lay Advisory Board
Robotics competition/Lego league a success; placed seventh out of 16; some of the kids expressed interest in keeping the initiative going; under consideration as is girls’ programming program