Parish Council Meeting Minutes (16OCT18) Attendees: Father Mark, Betsy Adams, John Kohlhaas, Kathy Lenarz, Riyan Mendonsa, Lynn Norby, Jan Parsons, Roma Lee Rasmussen, Jim Robasse, Tim Springer
Absent: NA
Opening Prayer
Social Hall As of last weekend, $48k committed to enhancement fund. Approximately $15k already spent.
On deck improvements: room dividers; additional tables
Considering new uses for Social Hall:
Icons presentation by Fr. Mark and Tina Springer 28OCT18
Also before Taize Mass scheduled 02NOV18; from 6:00 – 7:00pm
Considering rentals; we don’t have a dedicated events person; may not be cost effective to utilize for “outside” purposes
Rectory Remodel Updates Majority of updates made while Fr. Mark was on retreat. Should be completed by 19OCT18.
New floors; replaced carpet, put in hard wood
Removed all wallpaper and mirrors; painted throughout
Converted fireplace from wood to gas
Parish Pictorial Directory Looked at last spring/summer but was tabled due to focus on Social Hall renovation
Online sign up option proposed; even if Sign Up Genius or another online method is utilized, still need “manual” option for people without computer access; if that is the path, system needs to be temporarily “shut down” during certain hours so there isn’t simultaneous online/offline submissions and thereby conflicts
Lifetouch service provider that has been contacted; handle in the past. Subsequently merged with Shutterfly. They will staff day of but related charges; need 200+ people to participate in order to be viable. Approximately 275 families participated last go round. (Parish registration currently at roughly 800 families.)
Printed options are often free with the hopes of purchased packages
Additional option to upload your own photo; nominal fee charged
Updates also costly
In past, follow up calls time consuming; many hours to ensure success. Some online tools have email reminder mechanism
Significant staff required onsite during sessions; check in
Everyone wants a parish directory, but no one seems willing to lead/take on project ownership. (Previous committee declined.) Suggestion to put announcement in the bulletin
Need to consider timing; avoid conflict/overlap with school pictures; spring probably best
Riyan Mendonsa offered to touch base with John Bielinski to gauge interest
Father Mark suggestion that Parish Council take the lead. Ask Lifetouch to present to Council and/or smaller group can go to their location and report back. Possible “anonymous” contact willing to lead; may be persuaded to do so knowing half the committee is already formed via the Council
Father Mark to reach out to St. Peter’s and Nativity of Mary to see how they did it and success rate, hours involved, lessons learned. Will route findings by end of week
February Anniversary Dinner Weekend of 16FEB19 anniversary of Capitol Campaign anniversary; also President’s Day weekend; Saturday evening following Mass; can’t take place weekend prior booked by school for Snowball
Hawaiian/Polynesian theme past two years; most economical option as décor elements already paid for and in house
Meant to be a fun, inexpensive event; free will offering; all are welcome, no strings attached
Parish Council to decide if 1. We are willing to host and 2. The theme, food, etc. Take month between now and next meeting to decide
Ideally, $5 per person cost
There will be no offsite Mardi Gras “gala” party this year 02MAR19; there will be a breakfast Sunday morning 03MAR19
Junior Robotics St. Richard’s team; multiple sign ups but only two boys showed up