Sheryl Rose, Doris Brandner (Chair), Samantha Smith (Secretary), Paul Kujawski, Judy Black, Murray McCartan, Maureen Scaglia, Sue Loeffler, Bob Schiltz, John Belinski
Next meeting:
October 20, 2015
Led by Maureen
II.New Member
John Belinski
III.Code of Conduct
Diocese rolled out Essential Three
Leadership body of the Parish is asked to participate in Background check, Virtus training and sign a code of conduct
Parish Leadership includes Trustees, Parish Council, Finance Council
Rechecks every 3 years for Virtus training
Undesignated donation given to St. Richard’s Parish and will be used to replace the carpeting and paint in the parish office
Parish office will be closed Friday, 10/30-Tuesday, 11/3 to get this completed
Feasibility study will be done in the middle of November to see how St. Richard’s Parish can raise money for needed improvements of the church
V.Faith Formation Update
Moving forward to maintain the current Sunday morning sessions starting 10/4
Looking for permanent replacement by end of 2015-Beth Getz is currently the interim coordinator
Still looking for Catechists to help with some of the age groups
Brought up the question of whether or not to seek out collaboration with other is parishes and consensus currently favorable to start the conversation, Kick off on 9/27th to start planning and build momentum for starting sessions on 10/4
VI.Narthex Scheduling
Question was raised to set guidelines and/or limits on use of space for groups
Possibly allow 3-4 groups to use the space for a 3 week limit and enforce it for all groups
Sheryl will get together some data on what groups historically use the space to use for further discussion
VII. Catholic Spirit Subscription
% of our assessment goes to the Catholic Spirit Publication
1/3 of the parishioners receives this publication because of the assessment
Questions:Who do we want to receive this publication, What is the criteria for receiving the publication, What 300 people should get it and How do we decide that?
VIII. Committee Meeting Updates
Finance Committee-See above note, Feasibility Study discussion, stewardship discussion is currently ongoing
Facilities Committee-Office being painted and looking for assistance with moving furniture in and out, water leak over the weekend in the kitchen celling and how to replace and what to replace the pipe with was discussed, cleaning of the carpet in the church is 30%, volunteer has been working on doors and windows for painting and maintenance on the doors, Richfield Bloomington Honda is still asking about using the lot but is contingent on the land sale, talked about reupholstering the chairs in the Community Room
Parishioners Resources Committee-New Parishioners Gathering had approximately 20-25 new members attend and was a diverse group
Pastoral Committee-Senior lunches and the price has increased to $7 and the next one is 10/20
Worship Committee- in-service for all Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers on 10/10