Sheila Przesmicki, Director of Pastoral Care
Fr. Jim Liekhus, Pastor
Fr. Bryan Kujawa
The Pastoral Care Commission exists to serve the spiritual needs of parishioners, visitors and community members at all stages of life, and especially to provide prayer and loving support in times of grief, illness, personal or family turmoil, and other times of need.
We received a memorial from the family of a long-time parishioner who had been visited by our lay pastoral ministers. These visits mean so much to members of our community. This is the letter we received from the family:
It was my aunt, Rosalie's wish, that St. Richard's Catholic Church receive this donation upon her death. St. Richard had been her church for many years. When she became home-bound and ill, she was very appreciative of the services you made available. She especially enjoyed the women who came and played piano and sang with her. Thank you all for what you do.
Contact Sheila to find out how you can become a part of this loving ministry to homebound and hospitalized members of our parish family.
Pastoral ministry strives to provide pastoral care to everyone at all stages of life, and we look for new and creative ways of ministering to parishioners, visitors, and the community. To request any of the ministries below, contact our Director of Pastoral Care,Sheila Przesmicki.
If you would like to be a part of our lay ministry team providing these services, please go to our volunteer page.
Our Pastoral Care Team is here to provide spiritual support, however, we do not have emergency services. If you or a loved one are feeling hopeless, depressed or overwhelmed, seek out emotional support right away. If you are in danger, call 911, or if there is any risk of suicide, don't wait to call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or text MN to 741741.
Our friends at NAMI MN have provided special resources for those expriencing stress during this time of pandemic.
Anointing of the Sick
The sacrament of anointing of the sick is celebrated communally two weekends a year.
People may also receive this sacrament on an individual basis by contacting one of our priests in the parish office.
Funeral Lunch Ministry
Funeral Lunch Hosts and Cooks prepare and serve a light reception for the families and loved ones following funerals. Dishwashers and clean-up crew are also needed following each reception.
Funeral Ministry (Liturgy)
Funeral Ministers serve in liturgical roles, such as Sacristan, Altar Server and Eucharistic Minister, as well as providing hospitality for grieving families.
Some volunteers also lead regular Word and Communion services at numerous senior living facilities:
Yorktown Continental (7151 York) - Individual basis, contact Sheila for more info
Yorkshire of Edina (7141 York) - Second/fourth Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. on first floor
3rd Wednesday 10:30a.m. on 3rd floor (memory care)
Rembrandt (3434 Heritage Dr). - First/third Wednesday 1:30 p.m.
Heritage Manor (3450 Heritage Dr). - First Wednesday 10:15 a.m.
Tiffany Nursing Home (3456 Heritage Dr). - Third Monday 1 p.m. (Brought to rooms).
Walker Elder Suites (7400 York Ave. S.) - Second/fourth Wednesdays 10:45 a.m.
Edina Care Center (6200 Xerxes Ave. S). - Second/fourth Thursdays 2 p.m.
Brookdale-Edina (3330 Edinborough Way) - Second/fourth Thursdays 1:30 p.m.
Main Street Village (7601 Lyndale Ave. S.) - First/third Thursdays 10 a.m.
Pastoral Care Commission
The Pastoral Care Commission works with the Director of Pastoral Care and the Pastor as an arm of the Parish Pastoral Council to help reflect parish needs and voice; directly provide ministries; assist with the coordination of services for all parishioners; support those who minister to parishioners; provide educational opportunities for parishioners (health, end of life issues, family life, etc).
Prayer Network
Prayer Network consists of many parishioners who pray daily for the needs and concerns of our community. We also offer prayers of thanksgiving. The list of those in need of prayer is updated, printed and distributed weekly.
To have a prayer intention added, or to join the prayer network team and get a weekly copy of the Prayer Network please contact Sheila Przesmicki.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry volunteers knit and crochet shawls, prayer squares and chemo caps for people who are ill, hospitalized, recently widowed, grieving, and in need of comfort and healing. The knitters and crocheters say prayers over the shawls while creating them, then each shawl is blessed before passing it on to the recipient. We also have fleece blankets and stuffed animals for children, teens, and adults. Volunteers do most of the work at home and meet regularly for fellowship and prayer.
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