Prayer Network
Prayer requests are typed weekly and distributed to volunteers who pray for these needs daily. Requests can be made either by calling the parish office or by putting a written request in the Sunday collection basket.
Prayer Service Ministers
Once-a-week or twice-a-month, ministers preside at prayer services with communion in area nursing homes and senior residences.
Ministers to the Homebound/Hospitalized
Pastoral ministers visit with the homebound and bring them communion on a regular, scheduled basis. Ministers also visit parishioners at Fairview-Southdale Hospital. Please contact the parish if you are scheduled to go into the hospital, or if you know of a parishioner who is homebound or hospitalized.
Funeral Lunch/Reception Ministers
When a family comes in to make funeral arrangements, they are invited to have a luncheon or reception here after the funeral. For each luncheon about seven volunteers are needed to shop, cook, serve, and cleanup.
Grief Support Coalition
We are a founding member of the Bloomington-Richfield Grief Support Coalition. Group meets Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. There are 15 churches included and meetings are held at a different church each season. Meetings begin with an educational presentation followed by small group discussion led by trained facilitators.
Loaves and Fishes
The third Wednesday of every month, parish volunteers cook and serve a meal for those in need and cleanup afterwards. This is done at St. Stephen's in Minneapolis.
Meals on Wheels
Once every four weeks, parish volunteers deliver noon meals to people who are unable to prepare meals for themselves because of illness, disability or age.
VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People)
VEAP is an ecumenical ministry located in Bloomington which helps people in this community who cannot financially, physically, or emotionally provide for their own well-being. We collect food (baskets for this purpose are in the church narthex) and deliver it to VEAP weekly. We also participate in their seasonal collections.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knitters and crocheters say a special prayer every time they sit down to knit/crochet a Prayer Shawl. Made with care and prayer, Prayer Shawls are blessed and given to parishioners who are ill, or struggling in some way and who would welcome the warmth of love the shawls hold. Gatherings for Prayer Shawl knitters/crocheters are held periodically throughout the year - see the bulletin or contact the parish office.
Prayerful Presence (Funeral Ministry)
Represent the parish by providing a presence of support, prayer, and hospitality at funerals.
We recently received a memorial from the family of a longtime parishioner who had been visited by our lay pastoral ministers. These visits mean so much to members of our community. This is the letter we received from the family:
it was my aunt Rosalie's wish, that St. Richard Catholic Church receive this donation upon her death. St. Richard had been her church for many years. When she became home-bound and ill, she was very appreciative of the services you made available. She especially enjoyed the women who came and played piano and sang with her. Thank you all for what you do.
Contact us to find out how you can become a part of this loving ministry to homebound and hospitalized members of our parish family.
Our Mission Statement calls us to reach out and respond to the needs of others. We do this by sharing our time, gifts and resources with those in need — in our parish and in our community.
If you are interested in volunteering for Pastoral Ministry or learning more, please check the box(es) below and provide your contact information, or call Sheila Przesmicki at 612-500-9633.