Look below for descriptions of the various support groups and links to more information
Separated and Divorced
Church of St. Edward Divorce & Separated Ministry
Church of St. Timothy (Blaine) Separated, Divorced & Widowed Ministry
Bloomington-Richfield Grief Support Coalition
Churches in the Bloomington-Richfield area are working together to provide free support and education for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. Group meetings are held year-round on Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 pm and include an educational presentation followed by support group session. Member churches take turns hosting eight week sessions.
More information and list of current speakers can be found at www.brgriefcoalition.com or www.facebook.com/brgriefcoalition
If you or a loved one are feeling hopeless, depressed or overwhelmed, seek out emotional support right away. If there is a risk of suicide, don't wait to call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or text MN to 741741.
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